ACT Preparation
Keep good grades from High School Freshman up until High School Senior year is important when it comes to college acceptance. Testing well is another key factor to college acceptance. Dancing in college requires "Acceptance"! Everyone should have the tools and the opportunity to earn their very best Test Score. Join the FREE live online SAT/ACT classes! These classes give deep insight and techniques for understanding and mastering each section of the test.
College Coaching Network
The College Coaching Network presents: How to pay for college without breaking the bank. Take a peek at the college comparison process, college funding platform, and the application assistance resources available through the Readiness Center.
Common Black College App
The College Coaching Network presents: How to pay for college without breaking the bank. Take a peek at the college comparison process, college funding platform, and the application assistance resources available through the Readiness Center.
Danceline Recruitment Center
A full circle virtual space for all things HBCU Dance. The only app providing audition preparation tools, one on one virtual coaching, and internal recruitment that showcases incoming dancers across the nation to directors at HBCU Band programs. Purchase items from the HBCU Dance store, sign up for our e-courses, and chat all things auxiliary!