What is the Tryout/Registration/Enrollment fee?
-There is no tryout/registration/enrollment fee. Tuition is the only fee due on your start date.
Where can your policies be found?
-The Diva University Handbook (which includes all of our policies and procedures) can be found electronically in our parent chat. Our parent chat can be accessed through a link in which you will be added and sent upon your enrollment completion.
When is tuition due?
-Tuition is due on the 1st practice of each month and is considered late after the second practice of the month. A $10 late fee will be applied to all late tuition and is due on all late payments; this includes uniform fees, performance fees, tuition fees, etc. Parents are not allowed to make any team purchases if tuition is unpaid. Students are not able to perform if tuition is unpaid. All Kansas City tuition and fees must be paid through Paypal www.paypal.me/sassydivazofkc and all of Saint Louis tuition and fees must be paid through PayPay @divau2020.
I didn't start at the beginning of the month/I didn't complete a full month/I missed several practices,
Can my tuition be prorated?
-No. The Diva University does not offer tuition prorates for students starting after the first of the month or students who do complete a full month. In the event of a holiday, absences, short month or events beyond our control, The Diva University does not offer discounts, refunds, prorates or adjustments to payments. The Diva University enrolls five times per year on the 1st Tuesday in January, April, June, August, and November. The Diva University does not price match.
I am enrolling multiple children, do I pay the same amount for all children?
-Sibling discounts are available for parents enrolling multiple children. The Diva University does not offer family discounts for PeeWee Team or for add on classes.
How much is it to dance per year?
-Uniforms are approximately $80-$160 per uniform. PeeWee's require two performance uniforms, Mini's require two-three performance uniforms, Rookies require three-four uniforms. Majorettes require up to six performance uniforms, Stand Battle Squad requires two uniforms. All students required to have a practice uniform which is approximately $150 (shoes included). Tuition is $55-$100 per month based on age, discounts, or scholarships.
What should my child wear to their first practice?
-Students should wear all black activewear to rehearsals until you purchase and receive their practice uniform. Each parent is given 30 days to purchase a practice uniform for all participating students.
How do I purchase my child's uniform?
-All uniform links can be found in your enrollment packet, in the parent chat.
Can I have a refund?
-There are absolutely NO refunds on ANY payment(s) whatsoever.
My child is virtual, what communication should they follow?
-Virtual (outside of a site city) students' home team is the Kansas City Chapter.
How to I find the parent group chat?
- An invite link is messaged directly to parents inviting the parent to the chat upon completion of enrollment or receipt of initial tuition payment.
How will practice run during the pandemic?
-In the event of a pandemic or any event beyond the Directors control, rehearsal may be 100% virtual, reduced hours, and/or cancelled. The Diva University will follow all CDC guidelines. No refunds will be offered during these events.
Where can I find a schedule?
-The calendar of events can be found in the parent chat. An invite link is messaged directly to parents inviting the parent to the chat upon completion of enrollment or receipt of initial tuition payment.