Sponsor A Diva
Your donation means you or your company believes in the dancers strengths, their abilities, and their potential. You are investing in their future and together, we can increase the number of girls who have the opportunity to develop their inherent dance strengths, earning them placement at a Historically Black College and University, and participate in showbands with scholarship opportunities.

Ambassadors are representatives of Diva University and Diva University Camp Instructors that promote the Diva University Organization, promote Diva University Events, promote HBCU awareness through dance programs, and supports HBCU dancelines through the Diva University Organization.
Recognition on the Diva University website
Diva University T-Shirt
Consideration for spotlight profile on the Diva University social media page.
Access to engage with Directors on issues facing dancers.
Recognition in the Diva University national annual report
Recognition on the Diva University website
$500-$999/Event Sponsors
Recognition in the Diva University national annual report
Recognition on the Diva University website
Diva University T-Shirt
Consideration for spotlight profile on the Diva University social media page.
Access to engage with Directors on issues facing dancers.
Invitation to networking events and recognition at the annual Gala
Recognition in the Diva University national annual report
Recognition on the Diva University website
Diva University T-Shirt
Consideration for spotlight profile on the Diva University social media page.
Access to engage with Directors on issues facing dancers
Invitation to networking events and recognition at the Diva University annual Gala
Recognition on the Diva University Investors page
Opportunity to book and meet and greet with dancers for your event.