​Dance Audition Invitations
The Diva University Dance Auditions are invitation only. To secure an invitation, you must be invited by a professor, register online and request an invitation via email at divauniversity2020@gmail.com or register online and submit an audition video via "unlisted" YouTube link to divauniversity2020@gmail.com.​
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-Dance Audition Submission Instructions
The Diva University Dance Audition Submission Videos must be uploaded to YouTube and the video link must be sent via email to divauniversity2020@gmail.com. Do not send a full video directly to our email (videos are often too large to load this way). Make sure videos privacy is turned to unlisted and not private so that we can view the video. Please type your name and your current grade in the email. We will communicate your invitation decision within 2-3 days.
-Dance Audition Video Tips
Dance Audition videos must be a solo dance performed by the person who is auditioning to be apart of The Diva University. Do not send group dances as your audition video. The video does not have to be an original dance piece. The video must demonstrate dance technique (leaps, turns, kicks, splits, and tumbling). Dancers should be sure to showcase their level of flexibility and agility. If you have any previous twirling or color guard skills we would love for you to showcase those talents. Videos do not have to be professional but they should be clear enough for us to see what your are doing. Utilize this video and show your best! If your invitation was denied, we will email a level placement with a start date or our next open enrollment date. If your audition is accepted, we will email you an interview date.
-Dancer Interviews
The Diva University Student Body is composed of an elite group of leaders. In order for us to understand the goals and commitment level of each student, we ask each prospective student questions to better understand how we can help them reach their expectations. If the prospective student seems to understand what they want to accomplish and the amount of hard work required, a parent interview will be scheduled.
-Parent Interviews
Being a dance mom takes a numerous amount of dedication and support. The purpose of the parent interview is to understand our parents' expectations for their child and to give each parent a clear understanding of the importance of their involvement in their child's training program. We understand that the dedication and commitment level required for this organization is a lifestyle change. We want to ensure that our organization is a good fit for parents and their expectations. If the parent seems to understand their valuable role in the advancement of their child and the commitment expectations, an invite to the final audition will be presented via email.
-Final Audition
The purpose of the final audition is to determine each dancers level placement. Level placement is based on the following: showmanship, agility, rhythm, coordination, style, dance technique, stamina, intensity, and execution. All level placement results will be sent via email within 2-3 days of audition.
-Cheerleading Auditions
Cheerleading Auditions are required to be apart of The Diva University's Diva Elite. Prospective competitive cheerleaders must demonstrate a proper toe touch and a back handspring. Cheerleaders must showcase their level of flexibility and agility during auditions. If you have any advanced tumbling skills we would love for you to showcase those talents during auditions. Prospective competitive cheerleaders must wear at white T-shirt and black (athletic) bottoms when auditioning. If your invitation to join the competitive cheerleading team is denied, please consider joining our beginner dance program to learn the required skills at our next open enrollment date. If your audition is accepted, we will email you with further instructions. Follow us on our social media handles for audition dates.